Dog's Best Friend

Friday, September 22, 2006

Atishoo! Atishoo! And mom falls down!

There’s nothing worse than a baby / toddler with a cold. NOTHING. It produces 300 side effects you wouldn’t have dreamed of. For one a pillow as tall as the Eiffel Tower (to aid easy breathing) won’t suffice for the lil tyke to sleep in peace. No way…only mommy’s leg will do. So she can lie sprawled on the bed with her leg at an impossible, Kamasutric 45-degree angle (Is that a weird angle for a leg to be in?) that makes her spine scream for mercy and her hips shriek to high heaven. And of all the days the fella sleeps for an extra HOUR!

And of course that’s the least of it. Come Chinese Torture Time (read lunchtime) and I’m ready to weep. As I advance (menacingly) with cup and spoon, he violently turns his head away like I’m holding hot coals up to his face. I can almost hear him say “Nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin” Bollywood-ishtyle.
That said, I guess he suffers a wee bit more than I do. Considering he gasps for breath and can’t swallow. So I’ll stop making this about me then.


At 12:05 PM, Blogger noon said...

Funny - but can totally relate to this! My son doesn't even have to have a cold - just suddenly one day he will decide he is not in a mood for paruppu sadam - he will turn his face left to right while I sing song after song raising the pitch, pick up the toys he drops from the booster seat a 100 times and realise after half an hour of trying that my bP has shot up and the bowl is looking nice and full!

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Dog's Best Friend said...

TELL me about it !!! Where do kids get their moods from?? What makes my day these days is if he actually manages to down about half the bowl...not counting the stuff on his chin, cheek, hair, clothes, my clothes, on the floor, on the high chair and flung on my poor dog...
how old is your brat...

At 10:58 AM, Blogger noon said...

Sistah! Am loving this! On the floor, chin cheek and the dog! :) Cute! Always cute when you are not the person doing the feeding. I growl when my husband finds it oh so cute when kuttan here does all these things when I am trying hard to thrust some food in! My son is 14m (today actually). Having a dog means taking care of two children isn't it? You must have buckets of son is crazy about dogs - even as I am writing this he is saying "baa baa" (for bow bow) like a dog does. When we went to India, the neighbor had a great dane (sadly fed on thayir sadam only) who used to bark all the time esp when I was trying to make him sleep. But since then he just loves looking at dogs. I really like dogs but am v scared of them coming near me! Look fwd to more of your posts! btw - how old is your son?

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Dog's Best Friend said...

My brat is 1 and a 1/2. And yes having a dog that thinks he's human and a small child is REALLY tough. Smokey is very emotional too...he starts whining if I feed the baby ...its like a "what about me?" and that's the least of it. Sigh...
But that said...I love dogs and when your kid's a lil older you should get him one. Easier when the dog comes after the baby comes...unlike mine.


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