Dog's Best Friend

Friday, July 17, 2009


After 1001 sleepless nights...
Best Friend: I'm losing my cool with my baby..I him names...
Me: So what's the worst thing you've called him?
Friend: (very hesitantly) Idiot
Me: I've called mine Stupid Girl several times.
Me (turning honest): ...and once or twice have even called her 'Shaniyan!"
Friend: (giggling and getting bolder): ..And I've swatted his bottom when he won't sleep...
Me: (not to be outdone) Me too!
Me (guilt setting in) In fact I swatted her bottom one night and the next morning she had a diaper think it's because of me?
Friend (giggling in whispers coz of sleeping tyke): Can we have one baby conversation without you feeling guilty?